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& me

alena. girl. christian.
bbpc yf!
hcband bass clarinet
14 Jan 1991
good food.
nightwish yay!
piano. guzheng.
keyboard (worship).
rittersport chocolate!
white orchids
honeydew milktea!
esplanade library
salt and vinegar chips
banana muffins :)
wuxia stuff
hans zimmer!
singing in e shower.
pigs & cows whee!
von karajan :)
the smell of bakeries
silver. GREEN
HATES slimming ads
and physical contact.

& whims

go to prague
& austria
berlin phil live!
vienna phil live!
meet amish people

& wants

evidence Bible
new mallets
karajan/vienna phil: dvorak's 9th
lots of jazz cds!

& the trodden

July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
June 2009
July 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
March 2010
May 2010
June 2010
August 2010

& other paths

[my lj!]
[08S61 classblog!]
[BBPC YF forum]
[BBPC drama min]

[amanda tan]
[kris' piczo!]
[sarah cheang]
[vanessa hang]

January 24, 2008
@12:37 AM

he says, 'son can you play me a memory
i'm not really sure how it goes
but it's sad and it's sweet and i knew it complete
when i wore a younger man's clothes'

- the piano man, billy joel
(is it the world's saddest or happiest thing when a person has nothing left but memories?)

but anyway! recently am hooked on listening to classical gas, not the tommy emmanuel version but the original by mason williams (here), it's VERY NICE :)

& i embraced the world;

January 21, 2008
@11:57 PM

ahahaha, 3 weeks into the new year, new school, new everything!

it's been a blast :)

bbpcyfers in hcjc! well actually ruyi was supposed to wear her athena fac shirt yesterday too, but she pangsehed us so we're left with red yellow and blue. but so kool right, we have 4 people in hc, 2 in j1 2 in j2, and all four in different facs! DARN KOOL.

okay but anyway :) school's been great so far! orientation was awesome of course, quite like my CT too, everyone's really nice. ohoh btw whoever's reading this, watch our spastic class performance! click here. hahahaha it was super fun. and our AWESOME class flag yay, will upload a pic of it sometime, it's in my phone but i don't have the cable with me now, pffft.

birthday was kool, i feel ancient. you won't believe this, but xizi's birthday is on the 12th of jan, and suikim's is the 13th, so we have 12-13-14 in our class! really really kool right! thanks so much for the surprise (daniel, charlene, kaiwen, marilyn, ezra) and the fact that i had to carry around an embarassing orange balloon everywhere i went for the rest of the day haha, thanks marilyn for baking the cake, & for the class for getting a cake for all the jan babies, plus OG 4 for celebrating it! yay :)

anyhowdies, enough random talk, i'm not thinking straight lol. will post a proper one soon!

& i embraced the world;

January 1, 2008
@1:50 AM

in Christ alone, my hope is found
He is my light my strength my song
this cornerstone, this solid ground
firm through the fiercest drought and storm

what heights of love, what depths of peace
when fears are stilled, when strivings cease
my comforter, my all in all

here in the love of Christ, i stand

(in Christ alone, Newsboys)

(the obligatory new year post, especially kuz i haven't blogged for 1.5 months & so much has happened)

2007 in restropect
a year of countless gains, blessings, lessons learnt and relationships formed

today during the prayer meeting before watchnight service when we started sharing about ways God has presented Himself to us over the past year, i didn't know what i wanted to say. but it suddenly struck me to talk about my piano exam in april and how i flunked it, and was devastated from the moment i touched the keys on the steinway in the exam room kuz i knew i was going to fail. it took me a long time to get over it, and if you ask me when i got over it, i'd tell you 31st dec 9.30pm when i shared and bawled like an idiot to the YFers.

because at that moment i realised, that once i quit my fridays were free and i started playing regularly for worship, for p&p, and although i'm still super nOoB at it, i've seriously improved over the past half a year (keyboard). and how i've just drawn so much closer to Him; and to the YF through serving in music.

that's how God presented Himself to me most vividly in 2007, a revelation on the last day at 9.30 pm of the year, that He knows best and has His own plans for us.

for camp this year as well. i rmb kaiwen, ezra, marilyn & i fretting about how the camp committee was going, how we felt they were going too slowly, that there were so many things that were missed out in the planning, so many things that could go wrong. and they did; but with prayer, everything turned out great. weather during campfire was perfect, we were allowed to have noisy worship & open sermons, we weren't charged for the charred campfire pit cover, no spiritual attacks.

prayer meetings. when we started out, the first official one (15th Sept) with only kaiwen, marcus & myself. once there was only kaiwen & me. we felt like stopping e meetings until we'd gathered more ppl, but prayer kept us through, one of our constant supplication prayers being more people passionate for God and joining us in prayer. in november our average attendance was 6. just now, on the last day of the year, TWENTY-ONE people came.

my greatest blessing of the year? - BBPC YF. every single person in it. beloved Exco, for always being there for me and being the best bunch of people i've ever worked with; worship ppl, for always encouraging me in my keyboarding; camp committee; bubbleteaclub members, for being so much fun; CG people, for being awesome and making BS hordes of fun; sunday lunchmates (redside! yellowside!); for everyone else who're just there. thank you!

outside of church i've experienced and learnt so much more too. community service - from LDP to High Five to Creative Home; bass clarinet & playing for NYCB - SYF & Appassionata XI; culture & arts - watched the most theatre productions / musicals / etc i've ever done so in a year; life - started teaching piano; music - started jazz piano, played guzheng for hmp concert. can't finish listing them all, but 2007 has just truly been a year of so so much.

once again i look upon the cross where You died
i'm humbled by Your mercy, and i'm broken inside
once again i thank You
once again i pour out my life

(once again, matt redman)

2008 in anticipation

ezra keeps telling j1 will be the time of my life, so i'll take his word for it and look forward to the year ahead :) orientation, cca, 5 subjects only (assuming i pass HCL & including GP, excluding PE etc), all kinds of activities, camps and chalets etc, really hoping to enjoy what's prob my last year of freedom. kuz after this year it's A's, uni (hopefully), blahdidah.

also kuz of that, i really want to serve this year. whole-heartedly, in any way that might need my help - exco first and foremost, worship (music), probably camp comm, identifying and training new leaders, events, games etc. organising YF CIP yay! excited. i'm really hopeful for the YF for the upcoming year, the passion that camp has instilled in them, the huge variance of abilities and talents in all areas, the multitudes of ways they can serve.

really aiming for 2008 to be a year of true closeness with God, to have my life be a walk in His footsteps. in 2007 God showed Himself to me in so many ways without me even trying to get to know Him, the upcoming year i'll put in ultimate effort to love and obey with all i am. to control my temper, stop gossiping, stop being so money-minded, to smile more, to not procrastinate, to always prioritise. i believe He'll work in even more unexpected yet amazing areas for 2008 :)

the other 'new year resolutions' are:

- save up money to buy a keyboard ... hopefully by mid 2009?
- stop getting fatter. i've given up 'diet and lose weight' kuz i have to be realistic with my love of food and bubbletea and non-sport timetable, so shall make the goal ' maintain weight'.
- pass guzheng exam, pass jazz piano exam (if i take)

that's pretty much it for today! maybe i'll blog more often this year. MAYBE.

and i will run to You
to Your words of truth

not by might, not by power

but by the Spirit of God

yes i will run the race

'til i see Your face
O let me live in the glory of Your grace

(i will run to you, Hillsong)

& i embraced the world;